Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chilton Repair Research continued

The next task is to see if the 2003 Yukon had any recalls. My findings were:Flourescent Retail Product Campaign Postcard on May of 2006 which had to do with warranty. So far, my vehicle has been great to me - now I have a family member who purchase a 2006 Yukon Denali (with extra bells and whistles) and they have had some problems to deal with. So newer, isn't always better. Research vehicle before purchasing. If you like a certain brand and it works for you, stay with it. Developing relationships with servicing of products is very important, if you have good people to work with, you will be happy with the services that are provided. Just like the library, has great resources and people - go take a look and find valuable insight to help you in life. The last question that we are researching is about the brakes on the vehicle. I did not realize how extensive brakes are. Systems, anti-lock discs, hydraulic and parking are just the surface of the brakes on my vehicle. It's important that these all function properly so when I'm driving or taking special cargo like our youth - it's imperative everything is working. There's a lot of info here to consume and taking the time to do so. If it's your owned item, you need to know about it. Vehicles are an investment and get us from point A to B. I'm glad I have a great repair person that keeps my vehicle in great working condition - less to worry about when I hit the road!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You are lucky to have a dependable mechanic. It is one less thing to worry about. Wonderful discoveries in this post also! Thanks for your work --Julie
