Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Do you know what a bibliography is?  A short definition of a bibliography is to cite where you find the information for research.  What is the proper way to do a bibliography citation?  There are many ways, but the most preferred method is MLA style.  A bibliography must show the author’s name, title of book, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and page used for research project.  An annotated bibliography even adds more with written brief information of the source and an evaluation.  This description is about one hundred fifty words in length.
There are many reasons to have bibliographies: to give credit to the author to use the resource; respectfully borrowing one’s ideas or writings;  offer additional information to your readers;  to give the readers the opportunity for accuracy (is the information correct);  and it is often included in an assignment to reference the sources found in a bibliography page.
How do you write the correct bibliography?  One should cite information differently based on the source.   A periodical will also have to include the title of the article as well as the title of the periodical.  For an online resource, the entire web address needs to be included.  Some online resources such as ProQuest(an online data base for articles and publications) offers a tool for students to build an online bibliography list. 
Your best bet is to also ask your teacher the proper way that he/she expects you to write your bibliography. 
This resource provides many ways to cite information correctly and give you an opportunity to answer other questions, too.  Please take a look @ http://www.aresearchguide.com/11guide.html#bib

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