Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why is or isn’t the movie as good as the book?

This is the topic of today.  The book is probably too long and the movie does not have enough time allotted to show information about the book.  Is watching the movie going to ruin your opportunity for the book?  Often times, readers read the book and are disappointed by the movie saying it just wasn’t like the book or there were missed parts.  Or taking a look at the movie, and then reading the book offers another point of view.  Many patrons at our library comment saying- “I will not watch the movie, tell I have read the book”.  If it takes too long of time to read the book and you watch the movie first, be ready.  You may be heart broken or “I watched the movie and it does not match the book”.  Do you think that movie producers use the book for their script development?  The ideas and pictures may have come from the book to develop the movie.  I think that the author gives one perception and then the producer of the movie wants another perception.  Everyone wants the credit these days and make the dollar.  Inspirational and morality lesson movies can be exciting to help life’s decisions.  The drama and action is now the ticket to fun.  The idea is to keep the reader/viewer interested. The book and movie may not directly match or the movie director and book author somehow made no connection at all.  You be the judge! 

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